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A young man pushing an older man in a wheelchair across a bridge, both are smiling
Why we do what we do




​Hi! I'm Karen, founder of Familiarisation Videos. Myself and many others struggle when going to new places for various reasons, but the main reason is fear of the unknown. I would spend days, even weeks fretting and preparing for days out, meetings and appointments, and family meals, sometimes resulting in often cancelling last minute and avoiding the situation entirely.


At its best, I spend hours trawling through websites, google images, street maps, social media photos etc., trying to find out where the closest parking or drop off point is, what seating they have, if any, the distance from the entrance to reception, if it is wheelchair accessible, if they have accessible toilet facilities, the list is endless. Sometimes I find enough information to ease my anxiety, but more often than not, I ask my husband to go in and scope out the place, sometimes even video calling me when he is inside.


However, the reality is that I have arrived at venues with my children to find they aren’t suitable. I have been distressed, embarrassed, angry, upset, anxious, and many times I have chosen to sit in my car whilst my husband and children carry on with their day.


With the covid-19 pandemic, we all struggled with the imposed changes, some more than others. As lockdowns lifted and the world opened up, the world that I once knew was no more. The places I usually went to had now imposed restrictions one way systems and changes to seating and layout. This tipped my world upside down. The small world I once knew was now as unfamiliar to me as the rest of the world, only this time, there were no google images, street maps, or social media photos to help me navigate these new changes.


Monday 12th July 2021, a friend and I went to a coffee shop we often went to pre-pandemic, only to find that the only seating I could use was off-limits because it infringed on the 2m social distancing with the queue. I decided that day that I wasn’t taking anymore of this inaccessible world that was disabling me at every opportunity. Our goal is to change the Equality Act (2010) to include Familiarisation materials under reasonable adjustments.


However, we know this is not enough, and we are leading the way with this initiative. Familiarisation Videos aims to reduce anxiety, and help people overcome barriers by making unfamiliar places more familiar.



How it started
a lady on crutches smiling with stairs behind her




I’m Karen, the founder and director of Familiarisation Videos. I’m also a married mum of two beautiful teenagers who have additional needs, including autism. I recently completed a BSc (Hons) and MSc in Health, Mental Health, and Wellbeing at Wrexham University.
I live with Lipolymphoedema and bipolar and struggle with agoraphobia. I have recently become an ambulatory wheelchair user, which has been an eye-opener for me.


I, like so many others out there, struggle with anxiety, especially when faced with something new or unfamiliar. I want to be able to go places without fear of what I am walking into. I want to be reassured that there are seats I can rest on that have no arms. I want to know where the toilets are and what they are like inside without asking someone. I need to know where the closest drop-off points or car parking is and how far away the entrance is from there. I want to be prepared for a busy environment and know what that looks and sounds like.


What’s more, I want these things for you too… 
Starting my studies, I had no idea what I wanted to do afterwards; I only wanted to make a difference and help make someone’s life better. Now, I know this is what I am meant to be doing to help as many people as possible.

a photograph of a lady with short, blue and purple hair smiling



My name is Sarah and I'm one of the founding directors of Familiarisation Videos. I'm mum to amazing twin girls, and I've worked in design and marketing for many years for corporate companies. I have a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design and professional marketing qualifications from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.


After being made redundant during the pandemic, I set up my own graphic design and marketing agency, and shortly after that I was given the wonderful opportunity to become part of Familiarisation Videos. My role here is to create all of our marketing content and branding, which I enjoy every minute of!


I jumped at the chance of being part of this fantastic social enterprise as it's such an ingenious initiative. I couldn't believe that these videos didn't already exist for people, and immediately wanted to help make them available. The sheer amount of people that our videos will benefit is incredible and I'm looking forward to seeing Familiarisation Videos grow. 

A photograph of a lady with long brown hair and sunglasses on her head, smiling
Image of man with beard in a white shirt with a sunset in the background



I’m Leon, one of the Directors for Familiarisation Videos. I grew up in the Wrexham area and have been running my media business here for several years.


After meeting the team at a networking event I was inspired to help them on their journey of making the ‘unfamiliar more familiar’. Using my background in photography and videography, I am here to help provide technical support and guidance.


Looking from the outside in, I may seem very confident and this is how I like to come across; but i’ve struggled with anxiety since I was very young.  I understood the real importance of these videos. The Familiarisation team are helping open the door for individuals and giving them a grand tour of the space. 

Karen and Sarah are incredibly dedicated and passionate to work with. I hope to help them continue achieving the fantastic results and supporting those who need it. I look forward to meeting others along this journey and seeing how we can develop our offering to provide a wholesome experience.



My name is Imogen and I have supported Familiarisation Videos from the start . I'm excited to become more involved now by becoming a director.  My role will include working on funding opportunities including writing Grant applications


I have a furbaby in the form of a Golden Labrador that also doubles as my unofficial therapy dog.  In my self care time I enjoy walking with my dog and various crafts.  


Since being a young child I have always enjoyed and seen the importance in helping others. I have a BA in Childhood Studies however I have Volunteered in Mental Health and Wellbeing for many years where I have completed various accredited courses including Youth & Adult Mental Aid First Aid and ASSIST Suicide Course. The last few years have been dedicated to the power of nature & peer connection in people's positive mental health and wellbeing.


I have been diagnosed with C-PTSD Anxiety and Depression currently awaiting an assessment for ADHD. I have many experiences both personal and professional where Familiarisation Videos would have made a life changing difference.

Meet the Team
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