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Can Anywhere be "Fully Accessible"?

A yellow background with colourful shapes in the foreground. In the centre of the shapes is an image of a lady with her finger on her chin. She looks like she is thinking. Next to her are 3 colourful question marks. The Text "Is anywhere fully accessible" is below this image alongside the Familiarisation Videos logo.
Can Anywhere be Fully Accessible?

Accessibility means that people can do what they need to do in a similar amount of time and effort as someone that does not have a disability or impairment.

For something to be deemed “fully accessible” it would need to cater to the needs of every level of ability, and not just that, but also the specific requirements of every individual. So with that in mind is it possible for anywhere to be "fully accessible"?

The truth is, it simply isn’t possible to meet everyone’s needs all of the time, no matter how hard we try. Accessibility is not something that either “is” or “isn’t”. It can only be measured in relation to a specific ability or scenario. What is accessible for one person, may be (and often is) inaccessible for another.

Using seating as an example, some have arms and some don’t. Whilst a chair with arms may be of use for someone who is frail or unsteady on their feet, on the other hand, they can cause great discomfort for people with lipoedema or lymphoedema or other conditions that impact the hips or buttocks area.

Another good example is hotel rooms. Most accessible rooms that are described as “fully accessible” don’t have ceiling hoists or adjustable beds. Therefore they are not accessible for people with complex mobility needs.

Instead of using the term “fully accessible” venues should simply list all of the accessible features that a room, location, or environment has. This is a much better way to help disabled people stay more informed and make better decisions on where they want to go based on their individual needs.

Transparency is critical in enabling people to use products and services. With so few providing this information, disabled people are forced to assume inaccessibility.

Familiarisation Videos aims to provide this transparency in the form of detailed tour videos that show as much detail as possible about each venue including;

  • Inside toilets and changing rooms

  • Fire exits

  • Car parking, drop off and disabled parking or parent parking

  • Lifts, stairs

  • Sensory input

  • Doorways and door operation

  • Terrain

  • Disabled facilities

Videos are free to watch and will help so many people to make decisions about where they can go, and plan for any issues or barriers when they get there.

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